
If you’re in search of a taxi service that is always ready to provide you with a transportation of a high quality and a low price, we’re glad to make you a brilliant offer – take advantage of «Taxi Almaz 7788» services!

We offer client-friendly prices for a wide range of services

  • Passenger transportation in and out of Minsk
  • Перевозка компактных грузов
    Fit-in-the-boot cargo transportation
  • почасовая аренда автомобилей
    If you’re in-the-run-up to a wedding or another celebration – make use of our hourly car rental
  • профессиональные грузоперевозки
    Professional trucking with up to 3,5-ton-trucks
  • срочная эвакуация неисправного автомобиля
    Emergency evacuation in case of a sudden car breakdown
  • доставка пассажиров в аэропорт
    Passenger delivery to the National airport «Minsk-2»